symbolically it feels good that the most awful year is over.
happy 2013 to you all.
31 december 2012
29 december 2012

[canon av-1]
solleröns hembygdsgård med härbren och smedja.
men mest magiskt var utanmyra, visans utanmyra.
där tänkte vi på morfar och åt jordgubbar på en tallig strand.
sollerön, the large island in lake siljan.
traces from vikings, blacksmiths and composers.
and then there was utanmyra; this song and grandpa on our minds.
27 december 2012
26 december 2012
24 december 2012
lonely santa.
23 december 2012
13 december 2012

[canon av-1]
bergslagen is a mining district in the southern part of dalarna. here the mining and
metallurgic industry have been important since the middle ages. now it's kind of sleepy
though. we visited a few mines, this one being the smallest and the only one we had for
ourselves; the old iron mine in bispberg.
12 december 2012
a town unknown.
11 december 2012

[canon av-1]
kvällen vid viggens strand, sjön som vi fann.
en av sommarens magiska stunder.
ostar, lådvin, böcker som lästes högt.
det svaga suset från vägen.
kanske en ensam visa.
a night by the shore of viggen, a lake that we found.
one of the magic moments of summer.
wine box, cheeses, books were read out loud.
the faint hum from the road.
maybe a lonely song.
10 december 2012

[canon av-1]
vi åkte på en sverige-road trip i juli. det har vi drömt om sedan vår senaste road trip till
skåne och blekinge, men det är faktiskt fyra år sedan nu. så äntligen blev det av. vi for
mot nordväst, och dalarna. att runda siljan var målet, allt annat var bara bonus. det här är
koppardalen i avesta.
we left for a small swedish road trip in july. we have dreamt about it since our last road
trip to skåne and blekinge, but that is four years ago now. so finally it happened again.
we went northwest towards dalarna. to drive around lake siljan was our goal, everything
else was just a bonus. this is "copper valley" in avesta.
09 december 2012
08 december 2012
i know it by heart.

[canon av-1]
when entering the house for the first time i found this sign. it is of course just a replica
and not old at all, but it is still fun to read for you who know swedish. what is more fun
is that we had the same sign in the bathroom in the house where i grew up. that one was
original, and in english. i did not understand a bit, but i memorized the whole text,
pronouncing every syllable like kids do. it was a strange poem that i knew by heart. still
know by heart. therefor i am happy to translate it very accurately to you:
This room is equipped with
Do not attempt to light with match.
Simply turn key on wall by the door.
The use of electricity is in no way harmful to health,
nor does it affect the soundness of sleep.
07 december 2012
tveggja fölöldum.
05 december 2012

[canon av-1]
my mother bought this little farm during the summer.
it is just beside the farm where she lives today.
it is old and worn out, and very pretty.
her dream is to make one of the houses habitable.
that means we might have a countryside home waiting for us,
on summery weekends or snowing winter days.
04 december 2012
03 december 2012
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