by maja knochenhauer
same here! oh, I so much wish it was summer! here it just started to snow again... it doesn't make me want to go out and take photographs! I miss the green of the nature and the sea - the frozen sea can be so boring after a while!
Jag längtar med!
jaaa. men det närmar sig! :)
it's so conforting to see summer photos :) sun and relaxation...those big round rocks remind me so much of home!
oh, do they? i had no idea that these swedish rocks could be similar to your coast... i want to go there some day.
same here! oh, I so much wish it was summer! here it just started to snow again... it doesn't make me want to go out and take photographs! I miss the green of the nature and the sea - the frozen sea can be so boring after a while!
SvaraRaderaJag längtar med!
SvaraRaderajaaa. men det närmar sig! :)
Raderait's so conforting to see summer photos :) sun and relaxation...
SvaraRaderathose big round rocks remind me so much of home!
oh, do they? i had no idea that these swedish rocks could be similar to your coast... i want to go there some day.