[fujica st801]
...through the woodland cemetery in stockholm.
a legendary, remarkable and beautiful place.
this is the walk from the entrance to the "chapel of resurrection".
finally looking through the keyhole.
did you see all the birds houses where the humans rest?
I don't think I have ever seen a cemetery like this.
SvaraRaderaIt's beautiful, breathtaking and it looks so peaceful.
the birds houses are a nice detail.
and how do i love the great trees just standing there, reaching for the sky.
yes michelle, it is quite special, and really huge. if you ever go to sthlm it's a must-see :)
SvaraRaderawhat a beautiful place. those birdhouses are amazing- how wonderful to invite more life into this space!
SvaraRaderathat last shot is stunning...
thank you kitchu. that last one is shot through the keyhole... i'm amazed that something came out of it.