[canon av-1]
april 14th.
- oh, i think i see las vegas over there in the smog, left of the signs, above those power
lines... can you see it?
this was eva's words. the city of so many peoples dreams was slowly revealing itself in the
grey sky. for us the dream was over. we entered the reality of las vegas, and that was the
end of our desert story.
this was eva's words. the city of so many peoples dreams was slowly revealing itself in the
grey sky. for us the dream was over. we entered the reality of las vegas, and that was the
end of our desert story.
I bet it was sad to leave the dessert for vegas. that city is difficult for me to digest.
SvaraRaderai have never had an interest in this city- but i would love to see the desert out west. i love these shots, that first one is gorgeously composed.
SvaraRaderai must admit i had an interest, still have, but it doesn't involve staying there. and it was kind of ironic that we spent the last night in vegas, a brutal clash compared to previous experiences on the trip... but still, interesting.
SvaraRaderaoh man i love that first image!
SvaraRaderaoh, that second photo is so good.
SvaraRaderawhat a contrast—desert, vegas.
Denna bilden är helt fantastisk: http://www.flickr.com/photos/maja-k/5772578911/