26 mars 2011

dreams about the desert and wide horizons.

om en vecka börjar vårens stora resa. det blir los angeles, det blir roadtrip med
klassen i en buss genom arizona, och det blir fem dagar i det stora äpplet med far min.
totalt tre veckor på andra sidan atlanten. drömmer om öken, berg och vidsträckta
horisonter. har redan resfeber och fniss i kroppen. väskan ska laddas med kameror
och filmer. hur många kameror kan man ta med utan att tappa ansiktet?

i did not yet reveal my travelling plans for april here. next saturday we're leaving for
the states. my studio is going on a ten days roadtrip in arizona. 20 architecture
students in a bus. i can't wait. before the roadtrip we're spending a few days in los
angeles, and after that i'm meeting up with my father in new york. three weeks away
in total. we recently watched 'thelma & louise' and 'raising arizona'. dreams about the
desert and wide horizons. i was in the states with my family back in 2002, but just on
the east coast. this will be something totally different. the bag shall be filled with
cameras and film. how many cameras can i bring without being laughable?

6 kommentarer:

  1. Fint! Jag ser framför er hur ni susar fram bland ökenrävar och enstaka motell där skylten hänger och gnisslar i vinden och kaffet är svagt. Jag tror inte det finns nån övre gräns för antal kameror. Ser mycket fram emot bilderna...

  2. Wow that sounds like you're going to have a GREAT time, I wouldn't mind looking ridicolous, take them all :)

  3. there is no such thing as too many cameras. enjoy your trip, i have been to all of these places (NY being my favorite)! can't wait to see how you capture my country on film!

  4. Så underbart, en sån drömresa! Inte så lite avundsjuk!

  5. Bring lots of film and your favourite cameras (enough that it's not too, too heavy!)...and NYC is the best, best, best!!!! :D

  6. ylva // ökenrävar! finns det såna? tänk om emil blir borträvad av dom...

    okay, i'll bring at least three! thanks for pep words, i'm really excited!
